

All hikers, from beginners to veterans, can enjoy hiking and mountain climbing in every season in the Orange Hiking Club.
Members of all ages participate with the motto “Have fun and be safe".
In order to spread the joy of mountain climbing to the general public, we hold mountaineering classes. We even pick up trash while climbing so that we can improve the environment.
If we want to continue climbing mountains, then we should protect the environment of the mountains that we climb.

Coordinators Coordination of the entire club (general affairs, accounting, publication of Orange News, planning and operation of monthly meetings, etc.)
Hike Leaders Planning and execution of mountain excursions mainly in neighboring mountains and mountains in Kyushu.
Tactile Training Department We will help you to take your mountaineering skills to the next level by teaching you self-rescue, rock climbing, mountain climbing, snow mountain training, etc. And how to plan and do activities in nearby mountains and Japanese Alps.
Sunflower Mountain Course Planning and execution for low-difficulty mountain excursions that anyone can participate in (such as visiting local mountains and nearby historic sites).




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